Sunday, August 23, 2009

The good, the bad and the ugly!

I have fallen so behind on my blogging. Things have gotten a lot more exciting and a lot more hectic over the last couple of weeks....some good, some bad! Where to begin? Now that we are officially past our due date we have started venturing out more. We have been to dinner several times(we have yet to try it with just the 4 of us because we are afraid)! We have introduced the girls to more of our family members. We even made our first trip to Sprinkles Cupcakes in Dallas.

The girls are 7 weeks old today...which really means 1 week old when you calculate in their corrective age. I can notice little things changing. Ashlyn is now more awake and alert. And both girls are beginning to stay up after their 9:30/10:00am feedings. I sing and dance and act like an idiot for about 30 minutes, until they doze back off. I have tried to start an afternoon nap routine, which only works about half the time.

On the down side...Addison has started to get colic. I'm not sure about Ashlyn, but she seems to have it from time to time as well. Addison begins to scream between 5pm and 6pm every day and usually doesn't stop until after bedtime. After talking to several friends, they all told me to get Gripe Water. I have heard that some pediatricians don't like it....but I HAD to give it a shot to see if it would calm her down. It did and I only use it once or twice a day and I only give her half of the recommended dose. So, now that we have semi-solved that problem things seem to be a lot better.

We are still working on our 4 hour feedings at night. We can usually make it about 3 1/2 hours until the whining begins. Ryan and I switch shifts nightly, between the 1:30/2am and 5:30/6am feedings. I am now sleeping about 6 hours total off and on. We go back to the doctor on September 10th and I am going to ask if we could possibly start 4 hour feedings all day. THAT WOULD BE HEAVEN!!!!! I just don't know if they would be getting enough to eat though, so thats why we have to ask!

Ryan left this morning for a business trip to Louisiana. He will be gone for 4 days. Quite frankly, I am scared to be alone with the babies...especially with these colic episodes we have been having. But I have my parents and his parents here. My cousin Rebecca is coming to see the girls for the first time this week as well, so I am sure I will have her around to help out!

My working out isn't going too well. I never seem to have the time to do it! By the time Ryan gets home at night, I am too tired and I have to go to bed in order to get up for the night feedings. It is very frustrating. I have about 12 pounds left to lose before I am back to my pre pregnancy weight. Aside from all this saggy baggy skin and gigantic milk jugs, I feel like I look pretty good. We have Ryan's 10 year class reunion next weekend and I am hoping to lose another 5 pounds by then....I'm not gonna hold my breath though!

Ok, now is the time for some pictures:
This is one of our first nights out with the babies. We went to Kobe Steaks in Addison. Ryan has been going there since he was a baby and we decided to take OUR babies. It was fun but the girls slept the entire time. The staff was excited to see the girls because Ryan has been a regular customer for his entire life!

Our first Kobe's visit!

We drove to Dallas to get some Sprinkles cupcakes. They are my absolute favorite! I had big intentions of this fun outing with the girls and strolling them through the shopping center while eating our cupcakes. Well in reality, this is how it turned was 100 degrees so we couldn't stroll outside. The store was so crowded that we had to wait in a long line that was wrapped around the building. By the time we got our cupcakes it was feeding time, so we went to the car and gave them a bottle. Then we realized it was rush hour traffic so we drove home! OH WHAT FUN!?!?! It was good to get out of the house never-the-less. Since it was so crowded in the store I didn't get a chance to take their picture in front of the cupcake case, so we had a photo shoot in the to-go bag! It didn't go smooth at all and I also fell off the chair I was standing in and got a bruise on my knee while taking these pictures!!

This is Mary. She lives in Georgia. She is a very close family friend, that also works in the same business as Ryan and his dad. She came to visit and to see the girls for the first time. She doesn't have any grandkids yet, so our girls are her honorary grandchildren!! It was special to have her hold both girls and get their picture taken together.


  1. I love your stories! You need to blog more, it is so entertaining! We haven't gone out to eat just the four of us yet either because I am scared too. I have become the ultimate homebody and not particularly by choice.

  2. Paige you look great! I just bought one of those post pregnancy bands last night to make me feel better :)

  3. Paige you look great! You had TWO babies and I only had one and you have less wieght to loose then me! I still have about 14lbs to go! 12 if I forget to eat lunch haha! Remember you hang on to a little extra while you're breastfeeding...or so they thats what I tell Isaiah!
