Thursday, June 11, 2009

6 weeks longer....are you kidding me???

So I went back to the doctor yesterday. He checked my cervix and said that it still hasn't changed since the first time I began thinning out. He then says to me,"I think you will get to 34 weeks with no problem". Thats fine....great in fact. 3 weeks will fly by! But then Ryan has to open his big mouth and say "we really need to hold off until about 36 that possible you think"? I guess Ryan is thinking about the NICU costs since we have a $5,000 deductable. The less time they spend in there, the more money we save. But the doctor replies with, "yes, I think you can make it. But at the 34 week mark we will take them with no question, should there be any issues". I am frustrated and uncomfortable and I don't think I can take it any longer. I mean I can handle 3 more weeks...maybe even 4. But 5 or 6 more....I DON'T THINK SO!!! It would be great, but I am just being selfish and saying ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.....lets set a date and take these little things out of me!!

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